Get trained in Soul-based Coaching techniques

We hold space, and create the river banks

for the natural flow of transformation. 

Supporting that flow,

guiding it with a light touch.

while offering steady ground.

The transformations that happen are magical and very practical at the same time.

Here is how you can learn to do this too:

Holding Space+

A great place to start, is to join our free online workshop. Here you discover how you can root yourself in soul, in deep trust. What holding the river banks for your (future) clients means. Find out how you can support people by not trying to fix them. And what difference that makes. Welcome a whole new perspective on coaching. Read more here.

Introduction course:

The Feminine in Coaching

When you are ready to bring the magic of Soul-based Coaching into you work or personal life, Allowing the Feminine in Coaching will help you make that happen. In this 6-week live online course you dive deep and learn the core skills needed. Read more here.

Invoke Your Client’s Magic – Soulbased Coaching Certification Program

This program offers you everything you need to become a Certified Soul-based Coach. A comprehensive, online, live taught program with an in-depth approach. With it, you can offer your (future) clients easeful real-life transformations, based on their deepest knowing, their soul-wisdom. Read more here.