The question I asked myself that made everything possible

by | Feb 1, 2018

Today, like any day, you can step more fully into your potential.

But how can you do that?

I remember when I was trying to heal from a burn-out at 28, trying for over a year to ease back into my old job and continue to rebuild my energy. To be honest, it just felt hopeless. The harder I tried, the less it worked. The more pressure my manager applied, the less it worked. There was no alternative way to approach it within that system.

But I knew in my gut that it just was not the place for me to be anymore. But that was so super scary. I had just left my relationship of ten years, I had to provide for myself and no company in their right mind would hire me with my health situation.

I spend a lot of time in this painful stage of knowing this wasn’t where I should be and not seeing a viable way out. It took a lot of energy and feeling lost, stuck and without hope.

Until I found the courage to open myself up to what I actually knew all along: that becoming self-employed was the (only) way forward.

Of course I wasn’t in the best state to do that. But there was no alternative. At least I would have complete freedom in doing what I felt was needed.

But I was scared to death, and it was not a fun place to be. I had no role models in my family (all health care workers, lawyers and civil servants). All they said was: Don’t do it. It is not safe!!

Until one day, I asked myself the question: what do I need to start believing it is possible?

And all of a sudden, a thought popped into my mind: ‘there are a gazillion self-employed people in my country, and a lot of them make it work – so why wouldn’t it work for me too?’

And that flipped my experience around completely. It made me ask myself follow-up questions: ‘what would they have that I don’t yet? ‘and how could I get that going for me too?’. It made me realise I am smart and had skills that were valuable for others already. Of course there would be a whole lot to learn, and I would need to find a way to navigate my fears.

A lot has happened since then, including building two successful businesses and living the life I am here for. And I am so grateful I took the plunge.

The question: What do I need to start believing it’s possible? – that made all the difference.

Because if we don’t believe (yet), there is no way the Universe can help us make it reality.

There is no way you can act in alignment, and have your energy behind your actions in a way that is congruent.

There is no way others can meet you half way, because they can’t feel you yet.

But don’t let any of this deter you if you realise you don’t believe yet. Like me, you can flip that in an instant.

So let’s start making some magic happen in your life today:

  • What is it that you know you want to do or how you want to be in life?
  • What has been holding you back?
  • Do you believe it is possible yet?
  • And what would you need to start believing it is possible?

Write anything and everything down that you would like to release, and invite in alternative ways of seeing, experiencing and being guided.

Offer all that you have written into a fire tonight. Offer the fire your emotions that go with all of it.

And welcome in what wants to come through for you, tonight and from this day forward, that will help you make your calling a reality.

And know that you are on your way to believing, and to creating what you want in your life.

Do share your magic if you would like it witnessed and add extra power to your ritual.

Much love,



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Love that you are here! It’s a pleasure to share what I’ve learned in 25 yrs of coaching and teaching coaches since 2006. At the Academy for Soul-based Coaching, the team and me have reached 1000s of coaches, therapists and healers, helping them have phenomenal, embodied results.

On a personal note, I’m a bi-sexual, perimenopausal (read sleep-deprived) self-anointed Priestess who craves the spiritual as much as I do the practical, connecting seeming opposites in true Gemini style – and that is about all I know about astrology.

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