
So, this is a kind of a funny exercise. 

When you listen to the radio, you consciously choose which fm station you want to listen to. Because the music they broadcast affects you, your mood, your thoughts. You will choose one that fits the moment and your needs. You choose a station that uplifts you, makes you feel happy, or maybe one that sooths you.

When it comes to the station we listen to all day – every day, we are far less picky. We talk to ourselves inside constantly in the privacy of our own minds, about 12.000 – 60.000 thoughts a day. Most of them repetitions of what we have thought before. They are habits.

But they are very influential habits, because we tend to believe what we have heard the most often.

So, ME-fm is a very important station to become aware of, and to start making conscious broadcasting choices for.

To do this exercise: choose a day, and carry an empty notebook.

As you go through your day, note down all the thoughts them cross your mind. Repeat if one comes along more than once.

I promise you, it will be quite revealing.  

When we knoe what is going into our mental ethers, we start becoming open to changing that. Using the tools we have already gathered in our journey.